Pitchforks (and hydrant wrenches) aloft!

Flower Power! We are neighbors who are interested in bringing some botanical beauty to the bike-lane
tree pits so we have persuaded the city to allow us to garden there unimpeded. Anyone is welcome to
join at any level of involvement. There are no dues and no formal meetings; Just a desire to keep
Chelsea tree-lined and flower-filled. Join us!

Monday, April 14, 2014

Saturday April 19, 2014 Gardening Event

Please, gardeners come and help this Saturday (April 19). LESEC will be bringing in volunteers so it's important that our own gardeners help them out! Ariana needs a head count, so please be sure to RSVP to Ariana at 
(ariana@lesecologycenter.org). Here's the invite:

Hello Chelsea Gardeners!

The NYC Compost Project, hosted locally by the Lower East Side Ecology Center, is excited to be working with the Gardener's Club in the prepping of your Eighth Avenue street tree pits!

Come and lend a helping hand on SaturdayApril 19th, 2014 at 9AM.  The meeting spot will be the Northwest Corner of 8th Avenue and 30th Street.  We will be working our way down to 13th Street on 8th Avenue.  

The day will include clearing the street pits of garbage, raking up the soil that has been compacted over the winter months, and applying fresh DSNY Potting Mix.  The NYC Compost Project will be providing tools, wheelbarrows, and the DSNY Potting Mix.  We ask that you come out and help at the event, and bring along friends, family, and neighbors!  We want this event to not only be a beautification event, but a community event!

Some things to keep in mind:
- Be prepared to work in any type of weather
- Wear sturdy footwear that is comfortable
- Bring a water bottle
- Get ready to get your hands dirty!

If you are planning to come to the event, please RSVP by April 18th.  Please e-mail (ariana@lesecologycenter.org) with your RSVP including how many people you plan on bringing.

Again, we are super excited for this event and look forward to see everyone there!
Ariana Arancibia
Compost Associate