Pitchforks (and hydrant wrenches) aloft!

Flower Power! We are neighbors who are interested in bringing some botanical beauty to the bike-lane
tree pits so we have persuaded the city to allow us to garden there unimpeded. Anyone is welcome to
join at any level of involvement. There are no dues and no formal meetings; Just a desire to keep
Chelsea tree-lined and flower-filled. Join us!

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Hello Gardeners!
Only five months until Spring. Time to plant!

Phyllis and I will be picking up the daffodil bulbs on Sunday October 16 and will have them available for you  starting at 
1p at the corner of 20th Street and Ninth Avenue 
at the bench. 
They are free and will look nice in early Spring.

We will be there until about 3pm so bring a bag and get your bulbs.
If you can't get them, please make arrangements with another gardener to pick them up for you.

See you Sunday. Flower power!

Missy Adams
the Chelsea Garden Club

(p.s. Home Depot is selling 50 red tulip bulbs for $16)

Friday, October 7, 2016


For Chelsea Garden Club gardeners,
We will be distributing bulbs on Sunday October 16 from 1 until 2 pm at my pit on 20th Street and Ninth Avenue. Come and get 'em! It's time to plant for Spring!
Flower Power!!