Pitchforks (and hydrant wrenches) aloft!

Flower Power! We are neighbors who are interested in bringing some botanical beauty to the bike-lane
tree pits so we have persuaded the city to allow us to garden there unimpeded. Anyone is welcome to
join at any level of involvement. There are no dues and no formal meetings; Just a desire to keep
Chelsea tree-lined and flower-filled. Join us!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Composting Ideas

Neil in Chelsea wrote:

"Last week we got a message from the Block Association advertising a compost service at Abingdon Square every Saturday. We haven't been able to bring stuff there on Saturdays, so our organics are starting to pile up!

Does CGC have a composting station in the neighborhood, that's a little closer to home?"

Do any of you have any ideas how we can set up a composting site?


  1. What exactly does the composting process entail?

    Maybe we in Chelsea can partner with the folks that administer the Abingdon Square program, but have our site closer to home.

    Otherwise, are there any garden shops in the neighborhood (a la Chelsea Garden of the 1990s) that might be able to do this?

    On logistics: if our Chelsea compost site were open for deposits 24/7, would it have to be monitored (regulated by health dept/guarded/etc)?

  2. The question regarding a compost service is Where? Some of us with backyards have compost piles but we wouldn’t be able to accommodate much more than our household scraps and yard waste.

  3. Here is the link to the GrowNYC compost program that includes the Abingdon Square program:

